
January 2025
– Charles co-organized the Power Hour and gave an invited talk on electron transport in peptides at the Peptide Materials GRC in Pomona, CA. Overall an awesome meeting!

December 2024
– Seongon Jang gave an invited talk in the Rising Stars in Soft and Biological Matter Symposium, co-sponsored by UChicago and the University of California San Diego MRSECs. Way to go, Seongon!

– Seungjoo Yi gave a talk on his research on closed-loop materials discovery at the 2024 Fall MRS Meeting in Boston.

– Congrats to Jonathan Deutsch, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in December.

October 2024
– Congrats to Reeju Samajdar, who received an award for his oral presentation at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego in a session entitled “Electronic and Photonics Materials”. Way to go, Reeju!

September 2024
– We are delighted to welcome Sangwon Kim to our research group as a first-year PhD student in MatSE! Welcome, Sangwon!

Seonghwan gave a lightning talk at the AI for Materials Symposium hosted by the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program for the theme of Harnessing the Data Revolution.

July 2024
– Charles chaired a session at the International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC) meeting in Raleigh, NC.

June 2024

– Charles was honored to become an Associate Member of the Institute for Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (INNFM), a collaborative research institute in Wales, UK, with a long history of excellence tracing back to James Oldroyd, Ken Walters, and several prominent scientists in the field.

– The Schroeder Group was delighted to host two visitors in June 2024, including our friend Ravi Prakash from Monash University (May 31-June 18) and Francesco Del Giudice from Swansea University (June 10-14). We had fantastic time with Ravi and Francesco and enjoyed discussing new projects and exciting science!

– Charles attended the annual Chicago Society of Rheology meeting on June 19. Great to see so many friends and colleagues (and to meet new ones)!

May 2024

– Congratulations to Tiara Torres-Flores, who recently passed her PhD Prelim Exam! Outstanding job, Tiara!

– Congratulations to Alvin (Hao) Yang, who passed his Prelim Exam with flying colors! Impressive work, Alvin!

– Congratulations to Seonghwan Kim and Jason Wu, who received 1st place prize in an AI Hackathon at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications for developing a large language model to automate molecular discovery and synthesis. Way to go!

– Congratulations to Reeju Samajdar, who has been selected as a Mavis Future Faculty Fellow in the Grainger College of Engineering for 2024-2025!

April 2024

– Congratulations to Seungjoo Yi, who passed his Prelim Exam! Great job, Seungjoo!

– Congratulations to Jason Wu, who was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (NSFGRF)!

– Charles gave two invited talks at the 2024 ACS Spring Meeting in New Orleans on molecular electronics and AI-guided closed-loop materials discovery. Thank you to the session organizers for the kind invitations!

March 2024

– Jitong Ren received an award for Outstanding Poster at the ACS Spring 2024 Meeting for his poster entitled “Understanding Electron Transport in Metalloproteins”. Great job, Jitong!

– Charles gave two invited talks at the ACS Spring 2024 Meeting in New Orleans on molecular electronics and AI-guided materials discovery. Alvin Yang also gave a talk on his work on electron transport in heme-containing proteins.

– Charles gave an invited talk on electron transport in peptides at the March APS Meeting in Minneapolis.

February 2024

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western University.

– Moeen Meigooni presented our team’s work on conductive peptides at the Biophysical Society Meeting in Philadelphia.

– Brittany Prempin visited LBNL on a lab user-funded project to design and synthesize electronically active peptoids.

January 2024

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton University.

– The Schroeder Group presented their work at the annual meeting of the Army Center for Synthetic Biology (Predictive Materials Design) at UT Austin.

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the Department of Physics at Illinois.

December 2023

– Hao (Alvin) Yang gave a talk on his research in the Graduate Student Symposium series in the Beckman Institute.

November 2023

– Congrats to Reeju Samajdar for successfully passing his Prelim Exam!

October 2023

– Charles was named a 2023 Fellow of the American Physical Society.

– Congratulations to Brittany Prempin and Seongon Jang for passing their Prelim Exams!

– The Schroeder group is part of a recently funded DOE Earthshot award as part of a large collaborative team to develop clean energy routes for hydrogen production using liquid microdroplets.

September 2023

– The Beckman AIM Group received a $3.6M NSF MRI (Major Research Instrumentation) award to build a high-throughput instrument for polymer characterization, with Schroeder as lead PI.

August 2023
– Congratulations to Seonghwan Kim, who received the Big Data Award for his talk at the Fall 2023 ACS meeting. He presented a talk on the “Open Macromolecular Genome” in the session on Big Data in Polymer Chemistry. Great job, Seonghwan!- We are delighted to welcome Eden Li to group. Eden is a first-year Ph.D. student in MatSE. Welcome to the group!- Congratulations to Jitong Ren, who successfully passed his Qualification Exam in ChBE! Great work, Jitong!- Charles presented collaborative work on ring polymer dynamics at the International Congress on Rheology in Athens, Greece. Overall an excellent meeting and great to connect with colleagues!
June 2023
– Charles co-hosted the Ring Polymer Workshop (funded by CECAM) in Prato, Italy, together with Ravi Prakash (Monash) and Burkhard Duenweg (Mainz). Outstanding science and a great time for 40 attendees!
May 2023

– Congrats to Dr. Caroline Li, a newly minted PhD from the Schroeder group. Caroline accepted a position at 3M and will start in early Fall. Congrats Caroline!

– Congrats to Kyle Gray, who received an Outstanding Poster Award for undergraduate research in the lab. Kyle will be entering the PhD program at Northwestern in Fall 2023! Congrats Kyle!

April 2023

– Charles was elected as a 2023 Fellow of the Society of Rheology.

– Charles receives the Vision and Spirit Award from the Beckman Institute.

March 2023

– Congrats to Nikita Lukhanin (UG research student) for receiving an NSF Graduate Fellowship! Nikita will pursue his PhD at UC Berkeley in Fall 2023.

– Our paper on the Open Macromolecular Genome (OMG) has appeared in ACS Polymers Au. Congrats to Seonghwan Kim and collaborator Nick Jackson!

– Seongon, Sagar, Hung, and Charles presented work from the Schroeder Group at the 2023 March APS Meeting.

January 2023

– Charles was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS Fellow).

December 2022

– Our paper on using electron tomography to understand the highly ordered structures of brochosomes (Buckyball-like assembled protein materials from insects) appeared in Biomacromolecules. Congrats to Gabriel Burks and the entire collaborative team!

– Our collaborative paper on self-assembly of repetitive segment block polymers appeared in ACS Macro Letters. Congrats to Hao Yu and the entire team!

November 2022

– Congratulations to postdoc Gabriel Burks, who will be starting as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Notre Dame in Jan 2023!

October 2022

– Our paper on closed-loop optimization of reaction conditions with collaborators Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Bartosz Grzybowski, and Marty Burke appeared in Science. Congrats to the students and postdocs and great team work!

– Deeply appreciative of Sanat Kumar, Matt Tirrell, and Al Crosby for serving on our External Advisory Committee for the Molecular Science and Engineering Theme in the Beckman Institute!

– Charles served as Technical Co-Chair for the 2022 Society of Rheology meeting in Chicago, IL. Big thanks to all of the organizers and session chairs for a great meeting!

– Congrats to Sagar, Seongon, and Hung for presenting their work at the 2022 Society of Rheology meeting in Chicago, IL!

September 2022

– Charles gave a seminar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University. Many thanks to Chris Li for the invitation and an outstanding visit!

– The Schroeder Group is part of an exciting new project developing protein-based nanowires as part of the NSF SemiSynBio-III program. Looking forward to working with Andy Ellington and Yonggang Ke!

August 2022

– Our manuscript on understanding supramolecular assembly in charge proteins has been accepted at ACS Central Science. Congrats to Michael Jacobs and collaborators Diwakar Shukla and Prateek Bansal!

July 2022

– Michael Jacobs will be starting as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Texas State University. Best of luck to Michael in his new role!

– Charles presented a poster on ring polymer dynamics at the Polymer Physics GRC — outstanding meeting and discussions with colleagues!

June 2022

– Charles served as a mentor for the Future Faculty Workshop held at the University of Delaware.

May 2022

– Charles gave an invited Plenary talk at the 20th International Symposium on Applied Rheology (ISAR) meeting hosted by the Korean Society of Rheology — a hearty “thank you” t0 the organizers for the kind invitation!

April 2022

– Congrats to Dr. Eddie Jira on successfully defending his PhD thesis! Eddie will be joining Dow Chemical in June 2022.

– Charles gave an invited seminar in Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Many thanks for the warm welcome and kind hospitality. It was great to learn about the outstanding research and new faculty members in the department!

– Our manuscript on using automated synthesis for single molecule electronics has appeared in Nature Communications. Congrats to the entire collaborative team with the Burke and Moore groups, and to lead authors Eddie Jira and Songsong Li!

March 2022

– Congrats to Dr. Kasra Tabatabaei on successfully defending his PhD thesis! Kasra will be joining New England Biolabs in Spring 2022.

– We are delighted to welcome Sanbera Piuly to our group as a first-year PhD student in MechSE. Welcome Sanbera!

February 2022

– We extended DNA data storage to chemically modified DNA by adding new “letters” to the alphabet, together with single-molecule “readouts” using nanopore sequencing. This work has been accepted at Nano Letters. Congrats to Kasra Tabatabaei and collaborators Olgica Milenkovic, Min Chen, and Alek Aksimentiev!

– Congrats to Dr. Michael Tu for successfully defending his PhD thesis! Michael will be starting as a research engineer at Intel in Spring 2022.

– Our manuscript on understanding intermolecular charge transport in supramolecular host-guest complexes has been accepted at Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congrats to Hao Yu and Caroline Li, and wonderful collaboration with Jeff Moore and Nick Jackson!

– Our collaborative manuscript on understanding the shear rheology of entangled linear-ring blends of DNA has been accepted at Macromolecules. Great collaboration with Greg McKenna!

January 2022

– Charles was invited to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Rheology.

December 2021

– We are delighted to welcome Elli Williamson to our group as a first-year PhD student in Biophysics. Welcome Elli!

November 2021

– Congrats to Michael Jacobs and Eddie Jira on their recently accepted manuscript in Langmuir, where they demonstrate that coacervate droplets can promote small molecule reactions.

– Congrats to Dinesh Kumar on his recently accepted manuscript in Langmuir on non-linear vesicle stretching dynamics in flow.

– Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Hao Yu on a successful PhD defense! Outstanding work! Hao will be a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Ting Xu’s group at UC Berkeley.

October 2021

– We are delighted to welcome Brittany Prempin to the group as is a first-year PhD student in the Department of Chemistry. Brittany is co-advised with Professor Jeff Moore. Welcome Brittany!

– We are happy to welcome Reeju Samajdar to the group as is a first-year PhD student in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome Reeju!

– Charles gave a seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UC Irvine. Many thanks to Herdeline (Digs) Ardona and her colleagues for the invitation to visit (virtually)! It was a pleasure meeting all of the outstanding students and faculty members at UCI!

September 2021

– Our collaborative paper reporting the dynamics of vesicles in non-steady, transient flows has been accepted at Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Outstanding team work from collaborators Vivek Narsimhan and his group at Purdue!

– Our paper reporting the effect of counterions and reversible switching of molecular conductance in single viologen molecules using electrochemical gating has been accepted at the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Congrats to Caroline Li for the outstanding work, collaborators Nick Jackson and Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez and the entire team!

– Charles gave a seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Penn State. Many thanks to Hee Jeung Oh and her colleagues for the kind invitation to present on our work!

– Our paper reporting the transition to resonant charge transport in single-molecule electronics has been accepted at Nano Letters. Congrats to Songsong Li and the entire collaborative team!

August 2021

– Charles Schroeder has been named the first James Economy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering.

– We are happy to welcome Seonghwan Kim to the group as is a first-year PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering. Welcome Seonghwan!

– We are delighted to welcome Sagar Chaudhary to the group! Sagar is a first-year PhD student in Mechanical Science & Engineering. Welcome!

– We are delighted to welcome Dr. Inkyu Oh to the group as a new postdoc! Welcome, Inkyu!

– We are delighted to welcome Dr. Saadia Chaudhry to the group as a new Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow! Saadia received her Ph.D. from Purdue University, and she will be working together with Prof. Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez and our group at Illinois. Welcome, Saadia!

– Congratulations to Dr. Michael Jacobs, who was awarded a Mistletoe Research Fellowship to fund independent research in his postdoc at Illinois. Congrats Michael!

– Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Burks, who was recognized as one of the top 1000 Inspiring Black scientists by Cell Press. Also, Dr. Burks recently testified before US Congress on the topic of start-up companies and technology innovation. Congrats Gabriel!

– Congratulations to Seungjoo Yi, who was selected as one of the 2021 Poster Session winners for the Molecule Maker Lab Institute! Seungjoo was recognized for his work on materials discovery for new organic electrochromic molecules.

June 2021

– Our recent papers on single molecule studies of ring polymer dynamics in semi-dilute solutions have been published in Journal of Rheology. Congrats to Peter Zhou and collaborators Charlie Young and Charles Sing!

May 2021

– We welcome Kyle Gray to the group as an undergrad researcher. Kyle is working with Gabriel Burks on studying the properties of brochosomes and biological materials. Welcome Kyle!

April 2021

– Charles gave an invited talk at the Spring MRS Meeting on Caroline Li and Hao Yu’s work on “Understanding Charge Transport at Electrode Interfaces using Single Molecule Techniques”. Many thanks to Kevin Zavadil and the organizers for the invitation!

– Caroline Li passed her Preliminary PhD Exam with flying colors. Congrats to Caroline on a great job!

– Dinesh Kumar successfully defended his PhD. Dinesh gave an outstanding presentation on his research focusing on vesicle membrane dynamics. He will be starting as a research engineer at Dow in summer 2021. Congrats Dinesh!

March 2021

– We are delighted to welcome Mary Power as Coordinator of Research Programs for our group in the Beckman Institute. Welcome Mary!

February 2021

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the School of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Akron. Thanks to Thein Kyu and Kevin Cavicchi for the kind invitation! I really enjoyed the research discussions and learning about the science at Akron!

January 2021

– Seongon Jang joins the group as a co-advised student with Professor Chris Evans. Welcome to the group, Seongon!

– Charles gave a Keynote Talk on automated flow control for molecular rheology at the British Society of Rheology. Thank you to Karl Hawkins and the meeting organizers for the kind invitation!

December 2020

– Charles gave a Plenary Talk at the 18th International Congress on Rheology (which was scheduled to be held in Rio de Janeiro). Many thanks to the meeting organizers for the invitation!

– Michael Tu and Piyush Singh gave talks on their recent work at the 18th International Congress on Rheology. Great talks and nice work!

– Gabriel Burks gave an outstanding talk at the ChBE Future Faculty Seminar Series in December. Way to go, Gabriel!

November 2020

– Congrats to Shivani Patel and collaborators Charlie Young and Charles Sing on our recent paper accepted at Physical Review Fluids, where we report an unusual and unexpected relaxation behavior of comb polymers in non-dilute solutions. Interesting work!

– Our collaborative work on live cell imaging of Cas9 and TALE proteins with the Zhao and Selvin groups has been accepted at Nature Communications. Congrats to Surbhi Jain and Saurabh Shukla on the nice work!

– Michael Tu and Dinesh Kumar presented on their research at the virtual annual AIChE Meeting. Nice job to both for the outstanding talks!

– Congrats to Kasra Tabatabaei for successfully passing his Prelim Exam with flying colors! Great work, Kasra!

October 2020

– Caroline Li won the 3rd place poster prize for the ChBE Graduate Student Symposium. She presented on her research entitled “Single Molecule Charge Transport in Redox-active Molecules”. Congratulations to Caroline!

– Congrats to Michael Tu on his recent paper accepted in Macromolecules on single molecule studies of ring polymer dynamics in shear flow. Nice work Michael!

September 2020

– We welcome three new MatSE PhD students to the Schroeder Group: Hao Yang, Seungjoo Yi, and Hung Nguyen! Welcome to all!

August 2020

– Our Viewpoint article with Professor Danielle Mai appeared in ACS Macro Letters. We discuss the current state of the field and future directions for single molecule studies of synthetic polymers. Check it out!

July 2020

– Congrats to Shivani Patel on her successful Ph.D. defense! Shivani did some really impressive work on single molecule polymer dynamics of branched polymers in flow. She will be starting as a Research Engineer with Intel in Portland, OR. Congrats Shivani!

– We welcome Dr. Gabriel Burks to the group as a new postdoctoral fellow! Gabriel will be studying highly structured biomaterials found in nature, and he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in soft materials and engineering education research. Welcome Gabe!!

– Our paper reporting an unexpected double-mode relaxation of highly deformed lipid vesicles has appeared in Physical Review E. Congrats to Dinesh Kumar and undergrad Channing Richter!

June 2020

– Our paper reporting a simple, new electrode-anchor pair for low resistance contacts has appeared in Nano Letters. Congrats to Songsong Li, Hao Yu, and collaborator Jeff Moore on the impressive work!

– We welcome Darien Raymond to the group as a visiting rotation student! Welcome Darien!

April 2020

– Our paper on the phase behavior and assembly of sequence-controlled pi-peptides has been accepted at ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congrats to Eddie Jira on the nice work!

– Congrats to Songsong Li on his successful Ph.D. defense! Outstanding work on single molecule charge transport. Congratulations!

March 2020

– Our paper on single molecule charge transport in pyridinium-based redox-active molecules was accepted at Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Great work to Caroline Li, Songsong Li, and Hao Yu!

– Congrats to Eddie Jira, who passed his Preliminary PhD Exam with flying colors! Outstanding job, Eddie!

– Michael Tu and Shivani Patel created great presentations for their work on single molecule studies of ring polymers in shear flow (Michael) and comb polymers in extensional flow (Shivani) for the March APS Meeting. Unfortunately, the meeting was cancelled – but the group greatly enjoyed seeing their presentations!

February 2020

– Our work on understanding charge transport in sequence-defined oligomers appears in JACS. Congrats to Hao Yu and Songsong Li on a striking set of experiments and results!- Kasra Tabatabaei presented his work on DNA-based data storage at the recent Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego, CA. Exciting work on encoding information using sequence-defined polymers!

December 2019

– Ever wonder how genome editing TALE proteins recognize target sites on DNA? Our recent paper in Nucleic Acids Research helps to answer this question. Great collaboration with the Shukla and Zhao groups at Illinois!

– The Schroeder Group has moved the the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! A great collaborative ecosystem for science.

November 2019

– Our recent paper on non-equilibrium vesicle dynamics and flow phase behavior in extensional flow was accepted at Soft Matter. A beautiful demonstration of soft matter dynamics using the Stokes trap. Congrats to Dinesh Kumar and undergrad Channing Richter!

October 2019

– Our recent paper on manipulation of anisotropic particles and trajectory control using the Stokes trap was accepted at Physical Review Fluids. Congrats to Dinesh Kumar and Anish Shenoy!

– Charles was named the Ray and Beverly Mentzer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

– Dinesh Kumar was awarded 2nd Place Poster Prize at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology in Raleigh, NC for his poster entitled “Dynamics of Brownian Anisotropic Particles using Orientation and Trajectory Control”. Way to go Dinesh!

– Shivani Patel, Dinesh Kumar, and Michael Tu gave outstanding presentations on their research at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology in Raleigh, NC. Great job to all for excellent talks!

– Our recent paper on understanding flow topologies in the Stokes trap was accepted at Physical Review Applied. Congrats to Dinesh Kumar and thanks to collaborator Sascha Hilgenfeldt!

September 2019

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UCLA. Many thanks to Sam Srivastava for being an outstanding host for the visit! Great discussions and overall a fun time.

– Our paper on single molecule charge transport and quantum interference effects in oxazole-terminated oligomers has been accepted at JACS. Congrats to Songsong Li and Hao Yu, and to our #powercollaborators Jeff Moore!

– Many thanks to Shafigh Mehraeen and Vivek Sharma for being outstanding hosts for Charles’s visit to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Overall a great visit with many intriguing scientific discussions!

– Charles gave an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering at Florida A&M-Florida State University. Many thanks to Jamel Ali, Christina Holmes, and Hadi Mohammadigoushki for the kind invitation and serving as outstanding hosts!

August 2019

– Charles has joined the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports.- Congrats to Eric Johnson Chavarria, Schroeder Group Ph.D. Alum, who was recently named Program Director in the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities at NCI/NIH.

– Charles gave an invited talk at the 2019 Future Faculty Workshop at Princeton University. Many thanks to Rodney Priestly, Thomas Epps, and LaShanda Korley for organizing a wonderful event to mentor and support graduate students and postdocs who are moving into academia!

– The Shaqfeh Symposium was a success! Approximately 60 friends, family members, and colleagues came together at Stanford to celebrate the career of Eric Shaqfeh. Many thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful event!

– Congrats to Hao Yu, who received an award for his poster presentation at the 2019 Polymers for Advanced Technology meeting (PAT 2019). Hao presented his research on charge transport in sequence-defined conjugated oligomers. Great job!

– Dinesh Kumar was awarded a Travel Grant from the Society of Rheology to attend the 91st Annual SOR Meeting in Raleigh, NC in October. Dinesh will present his work on non-equilibrium vesicle dynamics at the meeting. Congrats to Dinesh on this fine honor!

July 2019

– Charles gave an invited talk at the SoftComp Workshop in Capri, Italy. Many thanks to Giovanni Ianniruberto, Evelyne van Ruymbeke, and Dimitris Vlassopoulos for organizing the meeting!

– Charles gave a talk at the Telluride Science Research Conference on Polymer Physics. Overall an outstanding meeting with lots of great discussions. Many thanks to Muthu and Tim Lodge for the invitation!

May 2019

– Peter Zhou is a newly minted Ph.D. from the Schroeder Group – congrats! Peter will start a postdoc at Stanford with Bianxiao Cui in the Department of Chemistry.

– Kasra Tabatabaei has joined the lab from the Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology. Welcome to the group Kasra!

– Charles gave a seminar in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Delaware. Overall a great visit – many thanks to Arthi Jayaraman, Eric Furst, and the department for the invitation!

– Charles has been awarded the 2019 Journal of Rheology Publication Award for a recent article entitled “Single Polymer Dynamics for Molecular Rheology” in JOR. The link to the publication is here. This paper discusses the emerging field of single polymer dynamics by examining all of the outstanding work from top researchers in the field!

April 2019

– Congrats to Jonathan Deutsch for passing the Biophysics Qualification Exam with flying colors! Way to go, Jonathan!

– Congrats to Dinesh Kumar and Hao Yu for being named as Mavis Future Faculty Fellows for 2019-2020. The Mavis Program provides mentorship and support for graduate students interested in careers in academia. Congrats Hao and Dinesh!

– Charles gave a talk on vesicle dynamics at the Institute for Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (INNFM) at Lake Vyrnwy, Wales. Many thanks to Karl Hawkins and the society for the kind invitation to present our work at the meeting!

– Congrats to Noah Hopkins, Schroeder Group undergrad research student, for receiving Third Place Prize at the Annual ChBE Undergraduate Research Symposium! Great work Noah!

– Our recent work on the single molecule dynamics of ring polymers in semi-dilute solutions has appeared in Nature Communications. Congrats to Peter Zhou on the excellent work and to our superb collaborators Greg McKenna and Rae Robertson-Anderson!

March 2019

– The Beckman Open House was a big hit! Together with the Molecular Design and Engineering Group at Beckman, Schroeder Group members Shivani Patel and Jonathan Deutsch ran outreach activities including extracting strawberry DNA and building foldable paper microscopes! A fun time for all!

– Schroeder Group members Shivani Patel, Michael Tu, Dinesh Kumar, and Peter Zhou gave outstanding presentations at the March APS Meeting in Boston. Charles gave an invited talk in DPOLY on pi-conjugated peptides (thanks to Mitchell Wang for the invitation!).

February 2019

– Our recent work on the dynamics of ring polymers in semi-dilute solutions has been accepted at Nature Communications. Congrats to Peter Zhou on the excellent work and to our superb collaborators Greg McKenna and Rae Robertson-Anderson!

– We are excited to welcome Michael Jacobs as a new Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow starting in June 2019. Michael will join us from UC Berkeley and LBNL, where he is completing his PhD in physical chemistry.

January 2019

– Caroline Li passed the ChBE Qual Exams with flying colors – congratulations to Caroline!

December 2018

– Our work on single molecule conductance of donor-acceptor polymers has been published in ACS Applied Electronic Materials. Congrats to Bo Li and Hao Yu!
– Jonathan Deutsch has joined the Schroeder Group as a first year Ph.D. student in Biophysics. Welcome Jonathan!

November 2018

– Charles presented collaborative research on DNA data storage at the kick-off SemiSynBio meeting hosted by the Semiconductor Research Corp and NSF. Exciting work and a great meeting!

– Charles gave a seminar at McGill University in the Department of Physics. Many thanks to Sabrina Leslie for serving as an excellent host for an overall outstanding visit!

– Charles gave a seminar at Purdue University in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering. Many thanks to Vivek Narsimhan for being a great host and Sangtae Kim for the hospitality!

October 2018

– Caroline Li has joined the Schroeder Group as a first year Ph.D. student in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome Caroline!

– The Schroeder Group had a great time at the Annual AIChE Meeting in Pittsburgh. Presentations were given by Dinesh Kumar, Shivani Patel, and Peter Zhou. Charles gave an invited Plenary Lecture in the Bionanotechnology Area. Thanks to Katie Whitehead for the invitation!

– Shivani Patel has been awarded a Hanratty Travel Award from for the upcoming 2018 AIChE meeting in Pittsburgh, where she will talk about her interesting research on single molecule studies of comb polymers. Congrats, Shivani!

– Michael Tu, Songsong Li, and Charles attended the JCSER full meeting at Argonne National Lab. Songsong and Michael presented a nice poster on single molecule conductance and flowable redoxmers. Great meeting and opportunity to network with collaborators!

– Peter Zhou, Shivani Patel, Dinesh Kumar, and Charles attended the Society of Rheology meeting in Houston, TX. Congrats to Peter on a great talk, and to Dinesh and Shivani for interesting poster presentations.

September 2018

– Charles is leading a new Group in the Beckman Institute entitled Molecular Design & Engineering (MDE). He is also serving as Theme Co-Chair for Molecular Science & Engineering in Beckman, together with Narayan Aluru (MechSE). MDE is working together with a computational group led by Yang Zhang (NPRE). This is an unparalleled opportunity for interdisciplinary research with amazing colleagues at Illinois, including Charles Sing, Ying Diao, Jeff Moore, Ken Schweizer, Randy Ewoldt, Chris Evans, Qian Chen, Narayan Aluru, Cecilia Leal, and several others!

– Congrats to Hao Yu and Eddie Jira for successfully passing the ChBE Ph.D. Qualification Exam! Hao is co-advised with Jeff Moore and working on sequence-defined conductive polymers. Eddie is building a Molecule Maker in the Beckman Institute and studying synthetic oligopeptide self-assembly.
August 2018 – Congrats to Peter Zhou, who was awarded a Student Travel Grant from the Society of Rheology! He will present his recent work at the upcoming meeting in Houston, TX.

August 2018

– Congrats to Peter Zhou, who was awarded a Student Travel Grant from the Society of Rheology! He will present his recent work at the upcoming meeting in Houston, TX.

July 2018

– Charles served as a mentor for the Future Faculty Workshop at the University of Delaware. Great experience to meet and work with future faculty in chemistry and chemical engineering! Many thanks to LaShanda Korley and Thomas Epps for organizing a great meeting!

– The Schroeder Lab is developing new data storage technologies based on chemically modified DNA. We are part of a collaborative team receiving an NSF/SRC award to work on this exciting problem!

-Our paper on single molecule studies of entangled polymer relaxation was published in Physical Review Letters. This work was covered by several news articles (EurekAlert and and was featured on the NSF Homepage. Congrats to Peter Zhou!

June 2018

– Schroeder group members Shivani Patel, Channing Richter, Eddie Jira, and Dinesh Kumar participated in the high school outreach program GAMES camp activities (Girls Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science). We built foldscopes, which are 50-cent paper microscopes, and learned about optical resolution. A fun time for all!

May 2018

– Charles will become a Full-time core member of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology at the University of Illinois. Very excited to join the Beckman team and to form a collaborative group focused on molecular science!

– Charles attended the 70th Birthday Symposium for Steve Chu at Stanford. Congrats to an amazing scientist and mentor. Thank you Steve!

– Peter Zhou was awarded the Outstanding Student Research Award at the CACS Great Lakes Chapter 22nd Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Congrats to Peter!

– Former PhD student Amanda Marciel has accepted a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University starting in Jan 2019. Congrats to Amanda!

– Congratulations (again!) to Peter Zhou, who was selected selected as a finalist for the 2018 AIChE Area 8A Excellence in Graduate Research Symposium. Way to go!

April 2018

– Congratulations to Peter Zhou, who was selected as a finalist for the prestigious Racheff-Intell Award in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

– Congratulations to Eddie Jira, who received a Beckman Graduate Fellowship for 2018-19. Eddie will be working to build and develop a Molecule Maker in the Beckman to democratize the synthesis of complex small molecules. Exciting work!

– Congratulations to undergrad research assistant Channing Richter, who was awarded a summer Undergraduate Research Grant to work in the group over the summer. Channing will be studying the non-equilibrium dynamics of polymersomes in flow.

– Charles Schroeder and Ying Diao received a seed grant from the Illinois MRSEC. Charles and Ying will be working to develop new strategies for deformable and functional interfaces for 2D bioactive materials. We are excited to join and become part of the MRSEC at Illinois!

– We welcome Hao Yu to the group! Hao is a graduate student in the PhD program in ChBE co-advised between Jeff Moore and Charles Schroeder.

March 2018

– Charles gave an invited talk in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Southern Illinois University. Many thanks to Keith Gagnon for the invitation to visit!

– Peter Zhou, Bo Li, Songsong Li, and Charles attended the 2018 March APS meeting in Los Angeles. Peter, Bo, and Songsong presented on their research, and Charles chaired an invited session on recent advances in single polymer dynamics.

February 2018

– Our recent paper on the direct imaging of single thermo-responsive polymers has been accepted at ACS Macro Letters. Congrats to Songsong Li!- Charles returned from giving a talk at the GRC on Colloidal, Macromolecular, and Polyelectrolyte Solutions. Thanks to Eric Furst and Wilson Poon for organizing an excellent meeting!

January 2018

– Our recent paper on the dynamics of single comb polymers in extensional flow has been accepted at Macromolecules. Congrats to Danielle Mai and to our collaborators Amir Saadat and Bamin Khomami!- Our review article on single polymer dynamics was published in the Journal of Rheology as the inaugural review article for JOR and was featured on the cover.

December 2017
– Charles gave an invited talk at an international workshop on “Protein-DNA Interactions: From Biophysics to Cancer Biology” at Rice University. Many thanks to Anatoly Kolomeisky and conference organizers for a great meeting!
November 2017

– Our recent paper on structure formation and dynamics in concentrated suspensions of film-forming latex colloids has been accepted at Physical Review Fluids. Congrats to Subha Kumar- Our recent paper on pi-conjugated peptide assembly using colloidal microchannels has been accepted at ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! Congrats to Bo Li and all co-authors and collaborators

– Charles attended the Annual AIChE meeting in Minneapolis, MN. A great venue to meet up with fellow chemical engineers and discuss science.

October 2017

– Thanks to Tom Truskett and the Department of Chemical Engineering at UT Austin for hosting a great visit to the department. Very enjoyable scientific discussions!

– We welcome new group member Eddie Jira, who is a first year Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome to the group!

– Peter Zhou, Dinesh Kumar, and Charles presented at the Society of Rheology 89th Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. Overall a great meeting with many exciting talks in the field!

– Charles was featured in a video profile for faculty members in the School of Chemical Sciences at Illinois.

September 2017

– Charles has joined an exciting new research group at the Beckman Institute called Computational Molecular Science.

August 2017

– We welcome new group member Jin Yu, who is a Ph.D. student in Materials Science & Engineering. Welcome to the group, Jin!

– Congratulations to Michael Tu and Dinesh Kumar, both of whom recently passed the PhD Qualification Exams in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering! Congrats!

– Our recent paper on the elasticity of bottlebrush polymers has been accepted at Physical Review Letters. This work was a collaboration with Omar Saleh’s group at UCSB.

– Charles has been promoted to the rank of Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.

– Congrats to Schroeder Group alum Eric Johnson-Chavarria, who has been selected as an AAAS Fellow at the NIH – National Cancer Institute, working in the Structural Biology Molecular Applications Branch (SBMAB). Eric will be working to help bring promising technologies to answer the challenges facing the cancer moonshot initiatives.

– Our recent paper on developing a new microrheological technique to measure extensional viscosity of polymer solutions has been accepted at Physics of Fluids. Congrats to Kaiwen Hsiao and collaborators Jelena Dinic and Vivek Sharma!

– Our recent paper on the sol-gel transition, microrheology, and optical properties of pi-conjugated oligopeptides has been accepted at ACS Central Science. Congrats to Peter Zhou, Songsong Li, and Bo Li!

– Dr. Melikhan Tanyeri, a former postdoctoral fellow in the Schroeder group, has accepted a tenure-track position in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Duquesne University. Congrats to Melikhan!

June 2017

– Congratulations to Peter Zhou, who was awarded the 2nd place prize in the student competition at the 21st Annual 2017 GLCACS (Great Lakes Chinese American Chemical Society) Conference in Evanston, IL this weekend. Congrats on a great job!

May 2017

– Congratulations to Anish Shenoy, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in May 2017! Anish has accepted a position as research engineer at Intel beginning in Summer 2017.

– Congratulations to Schroeder group alum Arnab Mukherjee (Ph.D., Illinois ChBE, 2014), who has accepted a position as assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of California-Santa Barbara starting in Fall 2017. Congrats and best wishes to Arnab!

– Charles returns from a great visit to the University of California-Santa Barbara, where he gave the departmental seminar in Chemical Engineering and a second seminar in the CIRF/Fluids group. Thank you to Matt Helgeson for arranging a wonderful visit!

April 2017

– Charles gave a keynote talk at the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) in Copenhagen and an invited talk at the 2017 INNFM meeting (Institute for Non-Newtownian Fluid Mechanics) in Wales. Many thanks to Karl Hawkins and the INNFM meeting organizers for a great meeting, and to Rob Poole for hosting a visit to University of Liverpool

March 2017

– Congratulations to Kaiwen Hsiao, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis! Kaiwen has accepted a position as research engineer at Intel beginning in Summer 2017. Great work Kaiwen!

– Charles gave an invited talk at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans. Many thanks to Vivek Sharma for organizing a great session on polymer flexibility and dynamics.

February 2017

– Congratulations to Dinesh Kumar and Michael Tu, who successfully passed the Quantitative Qualification exam in ChBE

January 2017

– Charles is a Visiting Associate at Caltech for Spring 2017. Many thanks to John Brady and the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for being gracious hosts!

– Charles presented on single molecule studies of TALE protein dynamics at the 2017 International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering (ICBE) in San Diego, CA. Thanks to Pete Tessier and Katy Kao for a great meeting!

December 2016

– Our recent paper on non-equilibrium assembly of pi-conjugated oligopeptides has been accepted at ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congrats to Bo Li!

– Our work was selected to appear on the front cover of the Jan-Feb 2017 issue of Journal of Rheology. Congrats to Kaiwen Hsiao and thanks to collaborators Ravi Prakash at Monash University.

November 2016

– Kaiwen Hsiao, Songsong Li, Peter Zhou, Bo Li, and Charles attended the 2016 Annual AIChE Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Great job to everyone for giving high quality talks and posters. Also of note at the meeting – Charles was elected Vice Chair of Area 1J for AIChE.

October 2016

– Our paper on single polymer dynamics in semi-dilute solutions in extensional flow has been accepted at Journal of Rheology. Congrats to Kaiwen Hsiao for a very nice paper, and thanks to our collaborators and co-authors Ravi Prakash Jagadeeshen and Chandi Sasmal at Monash University!

– Congrats to Kaiwen Hsiao, who was awarded the second place prize for her talk at the ChBE Annual Graduate Student Symposium!

– We welcome Dinesh Kumar and Micheal Tu to the group. Dinesh and Michael have officially joined as two first year ChBE graduate students in the Schroeder lab. Welcome to Michael and Dinesh!

– Our second paper on single polymer dynamics in large amplitude oscillatory extensional flow has been accepted at Macromolecules. Congrats to Peter Zhou!

September 2016

– Our perspective article on studying complex polymer architectures using single molecule imaging has appeared in Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science. Congrats to Danielle Mai!

August 2016

– Our paper on single polymer dynamics in large amplitude oscillatory extensional flow has been accepted at Physical Review Fluids. Congrats to Peter Zhou!

– Charles returns from giving a keynote talk at the International Congress on Rheology (ICR 2016) in Kyoto, Japan and from attending a workshop on “New Aspects of Micro and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matter” at OIST in Okinawa, Japan. Thanks to Amy Shen for organizing a particularly awesome visit to Okinawa! And to Simon Haward for a great snorkeling adventure.

July 2016

– We are collaborating with a multi-university team to develop sequence-defined synthetic polymers by engineering the translation apparatus. The work is funded by a MURI award from the Department of Defense, with fellow team members Mike Jewett, Andy Ellington, Jeff Moore, and Eric Gaucher.

June 2016

– Anish Shenoy was awarded 3rd place prize in the Langmuir Graduate Student Awards Session for his talk on the Stokes trap at the 90th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium. Congrats to Anish!

– Our recent paper on TALE proteins has been accepted at Nature Chemical Biology.

– Danielle Mai has been invited to give a seminar at the 2016 Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar (DYSS) series at the University of Washington. Congrats to Danielle on this honor!

May 2016

– Danielle Mai has been invited to give a talk on her research at the 2016 Gordon Research Seminar on Polymer Physics in July 2016. Danielle will present a talk at the GRS entitled “Single Molecule Dynamics of Branched DNA Polymers”.

– Kaiwen Hsiao receives the Outstanding Student Research Award at the 20th Annual 2016 GLCACS (Great Lakes Chinese American Chemical Society) Conference. Congrats to Kaiwen!

– Danielle Mai successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Single Molecule Studies of Branched Polymer Dynamics”. Danielle has accepted a postdoctoral position at MIT. Congrats to Danielle!

– Our recent paper on the Stokes trap has been highlighted in Nature Physics.

– Kaiwen Hsiao has been selected to present her research in the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research session at 2016 AIChE in San Francisco, CA. Congrats to Kaiwen!

April 2016

– Luke Cuculis is a newly minted PhD from the Schroeder group. Luke successfully defended his thesis entitled “Single Molecule Investigation of TALE Protein Search Dynamics”. Congrats to Luke!

– Anish Shenoy was selected to present his research in the Langmuir Graduate Student Awards Session at the 90th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium at Harvard in June 2016. Congrats and best of luck to Anish!  Read more.

– Peter Zhou was awarded a 2016-17 Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship (MF3) from the College of Engineering at Illinois. Congrats to Peter!

March 2016

Researchers develop new method of trapping multiple particles using fluidics– Anish’s recent paper in PNAS has been featured by Engineering at Illinois! Read more here: Researchers develop new method of trapping multiple particles using fluidics.

Stokes trap for multiplexed particle manipulation and assembly using fluidics– Anish’s manuscript entitled “Stokes Trap for Multiplexed Particle Manipulation and Assembly Using Fluidics” has been accepted by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Congrats to Anish!

Dan's defense– Dan Reilly is a newly minted PhD from the Schroeder group. Dan successfully defended his thesis entitled “Advances in Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Microscopy for Biological Imaging and Polymer Characterization” Congrats to Dan!

– Anish, Bo, Danielle, Kaiwen, and Peter all gave successful talks at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Welcome back!

– Danielle was awarded a Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research from the APS Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA). Congrats to Danielle!

– Charles returns from a very nice visit to Missouri University of Science and Technology. Many thanks to Joontaek Park for hosting a great visit.

February 2016

– Charles returns from a nice visit to the Department of Physics at the University of Ottawa. Many thanks to Vincent Tabard-Cossa for an excellent visit.

– Our manuscript entitled “Ring Polymer Dynamics are Governed by a Coupling Between Architecture and Hydrodynamic Interactions” has been accepted by Macromolecules. Congrats to Kaiwen!

– Peter Zhou successfully passes the MatSE PhD Qualification Exams. Congrats to Peter!

January 2016

– Charles returns from giving talks at TU Eindhoven in the Netherlands and FORTH/University of Crete in Greece. Many thanks to wonderful hosts Patrick Anderson and Jaap den Toonder at TU Eindhoven and Dimitris Vlassopoulos in Crete for excellent visits!

– Charles and Subha Kumar return from a productive visit to Dow Chemical in Midland, MI.

– Shivani has successfully passed the Quantitative Qualification Exam in ChBE. Congrats to Shivani!

December 2015

– Luke was awarded second place for his talk, “Direct observation of TALE search dynamics reveals a novel helical zip-line mechanism,” at the Center for the Physics of Living Cells (CPLC) and the Biophysics Program’s 12th Semi-Annual Student/Postdoc Symposium. Congrats to Luke!

November 2015

– Charles returns from giving a seminar at Brown University. Many thanks to Petia Vlahovska for the invitation and an excellent visit!

– Dan, Danielle, and Anish recently returned from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. Welcome back!

October 2015

– Dan received a Fall 2015 Travel Award from the Graduate College to support his travel to the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Congrats to Dan!

– Danielle was selected to receive an Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Lam Research Corporation. Congratulations Danielle! Read more.

– Danielle was awarded first place for her talk on “Single Molecule Dynamics of Branched DNA Polymers” in the 14th Annual ChBE Graduate Research Symposium. Congrats to Danielle! Read more.

– Kaiwen and Charles gave successful talks at the Society of Rheology’s 87th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Welcome back!

– Shivani Patel has joined the Schroeder group as a first year graduate student in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome Shivani!

Fluorescent Nanoconjugate Derivatives with Enhanced Photostability for Single Molecule ImagingOur recent manuscript entitled “Fluorescent Nanoconjugate Derivatives with Enhanced Photostability for Single Molecule Imaging” has been published in Analytical Chemistry. Congrats to Dan!

September 2015

– Danielle received a Fall 2015 Hanratty Award and AIChE Women’s Initiatives Committee (WIC) Travel Award to support her travel to the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Congrats to Danielle!

August 2015

– Songsong has successfully passed his qualifying exams in Materials Science & Engineering. Congratulations to Songsong!

– Kaiwen successfully passed her preliminary exam. Congrats to Kaiwen!

When Ends Meet: Circular DNA Stretches Differently in Elongational FlowsOur recent manuscript entitled “When Ends Meet: Circular DNA Stretches Differently in Elongational Flows” has been published in Macromolecules. Congrats to Kai-Wen and Chris!

July 2015

– Dr. Kejia Chen has joined the group after finishing her Ph.D. with Professor Steve Granick in Materials Science and Engineering. Welcome Kejia!– Dr. Bo Li has joined the group after finishing his Ph.D. with Professor Zhiqun Lin at Georgia Tech. Welcome Bo!

– Luke’s work has been featured in “BTN LiveBIG” by the Big Ten Network! See the feature here.

June 2015

Genome-editing proteins seek and find with a slide and a hopGenome-editing proteins seek and find with a slide and a hop.Luke’s and Zhanar’s recent work has been featured by Engineering at Illinois!

– Kaiwen has been awarded a fellowship from the Dow Chemical Company for 2015-16. Congrats to Kaiwen!

 – Direct Observation of TALE Protein Dynamics Reveals a Two-State Search MechanismOur recent manuscript entitled “Direct Observation of TALE Protein Dynamics Reveals a Two-State Search Mechanism” has been published in Nature Communications. Congrats to Luke!Read more.
May 2015

– Utsav successfully completed his final defense, titled “Probing Surface Protein Patterning in Biological Systems using Fluorescence Nanoscopy.” His future plans include a Research Engineering position at Intel Corporation in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations to Utsav!

– Songsong Li from the Materials Science & Engineering Department has joined the Schroeder group! Welcome Songsong!

– Charles returns from giving at talk at the Microfluidics Gordon Research Conference in Mt. Snow, VT.

April 2015

– Luke has been awarded the FMC Technologies Graduate Fellowship for 2015-2016. The award was given for his project entitled “Genome engineering technology for treating human disease: A single molecule study”. Congrats to Luke!

– Amanda successfully completed her final defense, titled “Synthesis and Supramolecular Assembly of Biomimetic Materials.” Her future plans include a postdoctoral research position with Matt Tirrell at the Institute for Molecular Engineering and the University of Chicago. Congratulations to Amanda!

Topology-Controlled Relaxation Dynamics of Single Comb PolymersOur letter is featured on the cover of the April 2015 issue of ACS Macro Letters!

– Sarah won 3rd prize for her poster presentation at the Omega Chi Epsilon Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats to Sarah! Read more.

– Lily and Sarah were awarded Edmund D. and Sarah J. Heerdt Scholarships from the ChBE Department. Congrats to Lily and Sarah! Read more.

– Schroeder lab alumnus Kevin Weyant was awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship! Congrats to Kevin!

– Patrick Corona received an NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention! Congrats to Patrick!

Topology-Controlled Relaxation Dynamics of Single Comb PolymersOur recent manuscript entitled “Topology-Controlled Relaxation Dynamics of Single Comb Polymers” has been published in ACS Macro Letters. Congrats to Danielle and Amanda!

March 2015

– Amanda won the 1st place poster prize in the 2015 APS March Meeting Poster Session for Polymer Physics, Soft Condensed Matter, and Biological Physics. Her poster was entitled “Template-directed Synthesis of Structurally Defined Branched Polymer Architectures”. Congratulations, Amanda! Read more.

– Kaiwen, Subha, Amanda, and Charles all gave successful talks at the APS March Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Welcome back!

February 2015

– Charles has been named the “Dr. Ray and Beverly Mentzer Faculty Scholar”. This Faculty Scholar position has been established through a gift from ChBE alumni Dr. Ray Mentzer and his wife Beverly. Congrats to Charles! Read more.

– Luke has been awarded an Eastman Travel Award from the Department of Chemistry for his recent presentation at the 2015 Biophysical Society Meeting. Congratulations to Luke!

– Dan has been awarded a Widiger Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering for Summer 2015 for “research relating to health or materials science within the chemical engineering discipline”. Congrats to Dan!

Template-Directed Synthesis of Structurally Defined Branched PolymersOur recent manuscript entitled “Template-Directed Synthesis of Structurally Defined Branched Polymers” has been published in Macromolecules. Congrats to Amanda and Danielle!

January 2015

– Dan successfully passed his preliminary exam. Congratulations to Dan!

– Amanda’s MRS TV presentation (based on the work in her award-nominated poster) is now available here!

December 2014

– Amanda’s poster titled “Synthesis of Biomimetic Branched Polymer Architectures” received a best poster nomination (blue ribbon) at the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in Boston! Congrats to Amanda!

November 2014

– Anish, Dan, and Danielle presented their research at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting. Welcome back from Atlanta, Georgia!

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of dilute polymer solutions in flowOur recent manuscript entitled “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of dilute polymer solutions in flow” has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Congrats to Folarin and Kaiwen!

– Dr. Subhalakshmi Kumar has joined the group after finishing her Ph.D. with Professor Steve Granick in Materials Science and Engineering. Welcome Subha!

– Dan received a Hanratty Travel Award for Fall 2014 to present his work at the AIChE Annual Meeting. Congrats to Dan!

October 2014

Characterizing performance using control-based approachOur recent manuscript entitled “Characterizing the performance of the hydrodynamic trap using a control-based approach” has been published in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Congrats to Anish!

– Folarin was awarded the First Place Prize for the Student/Postdoc Poster Competition at the 2015 Society of Rheology Meeting in Philadelphia. Folarin presented work from his PhD thesis on the development of non-equilibrium work relations for polymer dynamics and rheology. Congrats to Folarin!

September 2014

– Danielle successfully passed her Preliminary Exam. Congrats to Danielle!

August 2014

– Luke successfully passed his Preliminary Exam. Congrats to Luke!

Flavin-based fluorescent proteins: emerging paradigms in biological imagingOur recent manuscript entitled “Flavin-based fluorescent proteins: emerging paradigms in biological imaging” has been published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Congrats to Arnab!

– Kaiwen has been awarded a fellowship from the Dow Chemical Company for 2014-15. Congrats to Kaiwen!

– Yuecheng (Peter) Zhou from the Materials Science & Engineering Department has joined the Schroeder group! Welcome Peter!

– Charles gave a talk entitled “Direct Observation of TALE Protein Dynamics” at the 2014 Single Molecule Workshop.

July 2014

– Charles just returned from giving an invited lecture at the Polymer Physics GRC in Massachusetts and a Keynote Lecture at the 2014 PACRIM Rheology Meeting in Melbourne, Australia. Welcome back, Charles!

– Luke has been awarded a Robert Carr Fellowship from the Department of Chemistry for 2014-15! Congrats to Luke!

Engineering & Characterization of New LOV-based Fluorescent Proteins...Our recent manuscript entitled “Engineering and Characterization of New LOV-based Fluorescent Proteins fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii and Vaucheria frigida” has been published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congrats to Arnab, Kevin, Utsav, and Josh!

May 2014

– Chris, Folarin, Arnab, and Eric received their doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois! Congratulations! See where they’re headed here.

– Lily was awarded the “Intel Innovation Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation” at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats to Lily! Read more.

Automated single cell microbioreactor...Our recent manuscript entitled “Automated single cell microbioreactor for monitoring intracellular dynamics and cell growth in free solution” has been published in Lab on a Chip. Congrats to Eric, Utsav, and Melikhan!

Ultrafast Redistribution of E. coli SSB along ssDNA via Intersegment TransferOur recent manuscript entitled “Ultrafast Re-distribution of E. coliSSB Along Long Single-Stranded DNA via Intersegment Transfer” has been published in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congrats to Amanda!

April 2014

– Kaiwen and Danielle have been awarded Mavis Future Faculty Fellowships for 2014-2015. Congrats to Kaiwen and Danielle! Read more.

– Luke was awarded second place for his talk in the 10th Illinois Biophysics Symposium. Luke also won a travel grant from the Center for the Physics of Living Cells and the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology! Congrats to Luke!

– Professor Schroeder has received an Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising. Congrats to Charles!

– Arnab successfully completed his final defense, titled “New Directions in Biological Imaging: Engineering & Discovery of LOV-based Fluorescent Proteins.” His has been awarded the James Boswell Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Engineering and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to pursue future research with Mikhail Shapiro at the California Institute of Technology. Congratulations to Arnab!

– Eric successfully completed his final defense, titled “Automated Hydrodynamic Trap for Single Cell Analysis in Free Solution.” His future plans include a postdoctoral research position with Enrique De La Cruz at Yale University. Congratulations to Eric!

– Folarin successfully completed his final defense, titled “Work Relations for Single Polymer Rheology.” His future plans include a postdoctoral research position with Pablo G. Debenedetti at Princeton University. Congratulations to Folarin!

– Schroeder lab alumnus Josh Walker was awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship! Congrats to Josh!

– Kevin received an NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention! Congrats to Kevin!

Lily's Poster– Lily won 2nd prize for her poster presentation at the Omega Chi Epsilon Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats to Lily!Read more.

Edith and Harry Darby Leadership Award– Lily won an Edith and Harry Darby Leadership Award from the Vice Chancellor’s Office of Student Affairs! Read more.

March 2014

– Anish has been awarded the FMC Fellowship for graduate study during 2014-2015. Congrats to Anish!

– Lily has received the Glenn E. & Barbara R. Ullyot Scholarship from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, as well as Spring 2014 James Scholar Preble Research Support! Congrats to Lily!

– Eric, Folarin, Amanda, Utsav, Danielle, Dan, Luke, and Kaiwen all did an excellent job on their recent presentations at the APS March Meeting. Welcome back from Denver!

February 2014

– Kaiwen has been awarded a Hanratty Travel Award to support her travel to the American Physical Society March Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Congrats!

– Folarin was invited to present at the Fluid Mechanics Seminar in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at Illinois on February 28. His talk was titled “Non-equilibrium Work Relations for Complex Fluids”. Congrats to Folarin!

January 2014

– Charles Schroeder has been named a Beckman Fellow in the Center for Advanced Study for 2014-15 at the University of Illinois. Congrats to Charles! Read more.

– Folarin was invited to present at the Center for Molecular Engineering & Thermodynamics (CMET) Seminar at the University of Delaware on January 23. His talk was titled “Fluctuation Theorems for Molecular Rheology”. Congrats to Folarin!

Determining Elasticity from Single Polymer DynamicsOur manuscript entitled “Determining Elasticity from Single Polymer Dynamics” was recently accepted by Soft Matter! Congrats to Folarin!

December 2013

– Chris successfully completed his final defense, titled “Single Molecule Studies of Flexible Polymer Systems.” His future plans include a Research Engineering position at Intel Corporation in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations to Chris!

– Danielle won an award for “Best Method” for a poster presentation at the Journey through Science Day with PepsiCo and the New York Academy of Sciences. Congrats to Danielle!

November 2013

– Folarin and Danielle took the 1st and 2nd Place Awards in the AIChE Area 1J Poster Session (Engineering Sciences & Fundamentals: Fluid Mechanics). Congrats to Folarin and Danielle! Read more.

October 2013

– Utsav and Danielle won awards at the 2013 ChBE Graduate Research Symposium on campus! Utsav took 2nd place for his oral presentation, and Danielle tied for first in the poster competition. Congrats to both! Read more.

– Folarin has won 3rd place in the Poster Award competition at the Society of Rheology meeting in Montreal. Congrats Folarin! Read more.

Nonequilibrium Work RelationsOur recent manuscript entitled “Nonequilibrium Work Relations for Polymer Dynamics in Dilute Solutions” has been published in Macromolecules. Congrats to Folarin!

September 2013

– Utsav and Danielle have received Fall 2013 Hanratty Travel Awards to support their travel to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Congrats!

August 2013

Fluidic-Directed AssemblyOur recent manuscript entitled “Fluidic-Directed Assembly of Aligned Oligopeptides with π-Conjugated Cores” has been published in Advanced Materials. Congrats to Amanda and Melikhan! Read more.

Zooming in on Biological Processes with Fluorescence NanoscopyOur recent review entitled “Zooming In on Biological Processes with Fluorescence Nanoscopy” has been published in Current Opinion on Biotechnology and featured on the cover! Congrats to Utsav and Dan!

July 2013

– Chris has been awarded a fellowship from the Dow Chemical Company for Fall 2013. Congrats to Chris!

– Kaiwen has been awarded a fellowship from the Dow Chemical Company for 2013-2014. Congrats to Kaiwen!

– Arnab is one of five students on the University of Illinois Campus to be selected to attend the Global Young Scientist Summit in Singapore. Congrats to Arnab! Read more.

June 2013

– Abiodun Fatai Oki has joined the group from Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome to Oki!

May 2013

– Folarin has been awarded a CSE Fellowship (Computational Science and Engineering) for 2013-2014. Congrats to Folarin!

– Arnab has been awarded a Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the Graduate College for 2013-2014. Congrats to Arnab!

– Amanda and Utsav have successfully passed their Preliminary Exam. Congrats to Amanda and Utsav!

Characterization of Flavin-Based Fluorescent ProteinsOur recent manuscript entitled “Characterization of Flavin-Based Fluorescent Proteins: An Emerging Class of Fluorescent Reporters” has been published in PLoS ONE! Congrats to Arnab, Josh, and Kevin!

Manipulation and Confinement of Single ParticlesOur recent manuscript entitled “Manipulation and Confinement of Single Particles Using Fluid Flow” has been published in Nano Letters. Congrats to Melikhan!

April 2013

– Kai-wen successfully passed the oral qualifying exam in chemical engineering. Congrats to Kai-wen!

– Charles Schroeder has been named as the recipient of a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award for 2013. Congrats to Charles! Read more.

– Utsav has been awarded the FMC Fellowship for graduate study during 2013-2014. Congrats to Utsav!
Read more.

– Danielle has been awarded a Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship. Congrats to Danielle! Read more.

– Patrick won 3rd prize for his poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congrats to Patrick!

DendrimerProbesDendrimerProbesHighlightOur recent manuscript entitled “Dendrimer Probes for Enhanced Photostability and Localization in Fluorescence Imaging” has been published in Biophysical Journal. Congrats to Young and Melikhan!
Read more.

March 2013

– Danielle has been awarded a 2013 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats to Danielle!
Read more.

February 2013

– Charles Schroeder has received the 2013 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research from the College of Engineering! Congrats to Charles!
Read more.

– Eric has received a Travel Award from the Graduate College to attend the BPS meeting in Februrary where he will present his poster entitled “Single Cell Microbioreactor for Observing Dynamic Gene Expression and Cell Response to Environment in Bacteria”. Congrats to Eric!

– Arnab was selected as one of eight finalists for Lemelson-Illinois Student Prize. Congrats to Arnab!
Read more abour Arnab’s research.

New Directions in Single Polymer DynamicsOur recent review entitled “New Directions in Single Polymer Dynamics” has been published in the Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. Congrats to Amanda!

January 2013

– Charles Schroeder has received a 2013 NSF CAREER Award for his work entitled “Molecular Rheology of Architecturally Complex Polymers”. Congratulations to Charles!
Read more.

– Folarin has received a Spring 2013 Hanratty Travel Award to support his travel to the Society of Rheology Meeting, where Folarin will present his work in a talk entitled “Extracting Fundamental Materials Properties from Rheological Measurements”. Congrats to Folarin!

– Arnab won the Best poster award, known as the Biotechnology Journal Award, and the 4th International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering, Fort Lauderdale, FL for his poster entitled “Development of Flavin-based Fluorescent Proteins for Biological Imaging”. Congrats to Arnab!

– Arnab won 2nd place for his poster entitled “Understanding and Improving Flavin-Based Fluorescent Proteins for Biological Imaging” for the Catherine Connor Outstanding Dissertation in Biotechnology Award at the University of Illinois. Congrats to Arnab! Clickhere for more details on the award.

November 2012

– Charles Schroeder has been invited to be the Meeting Programming Chair (MPC) for Area 1J at the 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting.

– Chris won an award at the AIChE meeting (Runner up) for Best Poster in the Area 1J poster session (Engineering Sciences & Fundamentals: Fluid Mechanics). Congrats to Chris!
Read more.

– Amanda received a Travel Award from the Graduate College to attend the MRS meeting in November, where she will present her poster entitled “Template-directed Synthesis and Hierarchical Assembly of Nucleotidomimetic Polymers”. Congrats to Amanda!

– Folarin received a Travel Award from the Graduate College to attend the AIChE meeting, where he gave a presentation on his work entitled “Determining Fundamental Materials Properties from Rheological Measurements”. Congrats to Folarin!

– Arnab, Utsav, Chris, and Folarin all did an excellent job on their recent presentations at the AIChE meeting.

– Dan has been awarded a Molecular Biophysics Training Grant for 2013-2014. Congratulations to Dan!

October 2012

DirectedEvolution– Our recent manuscript entitled “Directed evolution of bright mutants of an oxygen-independent flavin-binding fluorescent protein from Pseudomonas putida” has been published in the Journal of Biological Engineering. Congrats to Arnab, Kevin, and Josh!

– Luke Cuculis has joined the group from the Department of Chemistry.
Welcome to Luke!

– Kai-Wen Hsiao has joined the group from Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.
Welcome to Kai-Wen!

– Our recent manuscript “Microfluidic systems for single DNA dynamics” was among the top ten articles accessed from the online version of Soft Matter during July!

– Our JoVE article “A Microfluidic-based Hydrodynamic Trap for Single Particles” has received over 13,000 views!

August 2012

– Our manuscript entitled “Specific Labeling of Zinc Finger Proteins using Non-canonical Amino Acids and Copper-free Click Chemistry” has been accepted to Bioconjugate Chemistry!
Read more.

scaemj– Eric has been named as a Finalist in the 2012 SCS Science Image Challenge. Nice work Eric!
Read more.

July 2012

– Dan Reilly has joined the group from Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Welcome to Dan!

June 2012

– Chris has been awarded a fellowship from the Dow Chemical Company for 2012-2013. Congrats to Chris!

May 2012

– Charles Schroeder has been invited to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s 2012 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, which will be held in September 2012. Charles will be one of only 100 engineers from industry, academia, and government labs to discuss recent advances and the frontiers in the engineering profession.

– Folarin, Chris, Eric and Arnab have successfully passed their prelim exams. Congrats!

– Folarin has been awarded a fellowship from the Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) program for graduate study for 2012-2013. Congrats to Folarin!

– Danielle has successfully passed the oral portion of the Qualification Exams for graduate studies in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Congrats to Danielle!

April 2012

– Charles Schroeder received the 2012 Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award from the Society of Rheology. Read more.

– Arnab was awarded the FMC Technologies Fellowship for Graduate Study for 2012-2013. Congrats to Arnab!

– Kevin Weyant won 3rd prize for his poster presentation at the Undergraduate Award Ceremony on April 20, 2012. Congrats to Kevin!

March 2012

arnab ibeutsav ibe– Arnab and Utsav won 2nd and 3rd place for their posters at the Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) meeting in Indianapolis, IN on Saturday, March 3rd. Congrats to Arnab and Utsav! Read more.

February 2012

– Arnab and Utsav have been honored with Hanratty Travel Awards to participate in the Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) meeting in early March. Congrats to Arnab and Utsav!

January 2012
melikhan– Melikhan won 3rd prize for NNIN/C Nano Competition:
Melikhan has been selected as a 3rd prize winner for a Modeling and Simulation contest held by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN/C). Melikhan submitted his work based on developing a model for confinement and trapping of nanoparticles using the hydrodynamic trap. This was a nation-wide contest open to researchers in the field of nanoscience. Congrats to Melikhan!
Read more.

– Danielle has successfully passed the written portion of the Qualification Exams for graduate studies in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Congrats to Danielle!

– Amanda receives rave teaching reviews :
Based on course feedback from faculty members in MCB 250, Amanda received “top-notch” reviews from the teaching faculty, who cited her “very creative” teaching techniques and strong dedication to excellent teaching in the course. Congrats to Amanda!

December 2011

– Chris and Folarin have been named as “Dow Chemical Company Fellows in Chemical Engineering”. Dow Chemical Company has provided a few graduate student fellowships for Illinois ChBE, and they were awarded through a competitive nomination/selection process in our department. The fellowships are intended to fund chemical engineering graduate students pursuing traditional research in Chemical Engineering.

November 2011

– Eric has received a Travel Award to the 2012 Biophysical Society Meeting. Congrats to Eric!

October 2011

– Charles Schroeder has been awarded a 2011 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering.
to read more.

– The Schroeder group presented multiple oral presentations at the annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) conference in Minneapolis, MN. Great job to Melikhan, Young, Chris, Folarin and Arnab!

– The Schroeder group presented several oral presentations at the annual Society of Rheology (SOR) conference in Cleveland, OH. Great job to Chris and Folarin!

– Danielle Mai has joined the Schroeder group as a first year graduate student in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering! Welcome Danielle!

September 2011

– Parul was awarded a scholarship from the American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin Southern California Chapter! Congrats to Parul!

July 2011

– Chris and Folarin’s recent manuscripts have been identified as‘hot articles’ in Soft Matter!

June 2011

– Our manuscript entitled “Direct Observation of Single Flexible Polymers using Single Stranded DNA” has been published in Soft Matter. Congrats to Chris Brockman and Sun Ju Kim!

– Our manuscript entitled “Model Systems for Single Molecule Polymer Dynamics” has been published in Soft Matter. Congrats to Folarin Latinwo!

– Kathryn Trenshaw was accepted into the Chemistry–Biology Interface Training Program and the Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Program starting in Fall of 2011! Congrats to Kathryn!

– Eric and Kathryn participated in a K–12 Science Educators (iRISE) summer teacher workshop with the Illinois Researchers program by developing and demonstrating a biofuels lesson for 25 middle school science teachers. Their presentation was based on a lesson developed by Kathryn and Amanda as part of the iRISE Science Education course during 2011 Spring semester.

May 2011

– Eric hosted 50 high school students from IDEA Frontier College Prep in Brownsville, TX as part of their visit to the University of Illinois campus. During their visit, he conducted lab tours and demonstrated hydrodynamic trapping of live bacterial cells developed in the Schroeder lab.

arnabigb– Arnab was awarded First place for his poster presentation at the 2011 IGB Symposium on campus!

utsav igb– Utsav was awarded Third place for his poster presentation at the 2011 IGB Symposium on campus!

April 2011

LOC paper– Our publication on the characterization of the hydrodynamic trap has appeared in Lab on a Chip. Congrats to Melikhan, Mikhil, and Natawan!

– Kathryn Trenshaw received an NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention. Congrats to Kathryn!

– Amanda Marciel received an NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention and Ford Foundation Fellowship Honorable Mention. Congrats to Amanda!

– Kevin & Cassie presented posters for ISUR program!

– Mikhil Ranka received Third Place Prize in the ChBE Undergraduate Research Symposium at the University of Illinois. Congrats to Mikhil!

– Mikhil Ranka will be entering the Ph.D. program in Chemical Engineering at MIT in Fall 2012. Congrats to Mikhil!

– Nathan Yee was awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship! Congrats to Nathan!

– Nathan Yee will be entering the Ph.D. program in Chemical Engineering at MIT in Fall 2011. Congrats to Nathan!

– Nathan and Peiyi presented their undergraduate research on expressing and purifying modular zinc finger proteins at the University of Illinois Undergraduate Research Symposium.

– Parul is heading off to Chevron Corporation for a summer internship. Congrats to Parul!

– Dean is heading off to Unilever for a summer internship. Congrats to Dean!

March 2011

– Younghoon Kim presented his recent work on site–specific labeling of zinc finger proteins using non–natural amino acids at the American Chemical Society meeting in Anaheim, CA

– Melikhan Tanyeri presented our recent work with Younghoon on dye–conjugated dendrimers as bright and photostable nanoimaging probes at the Biophysical Society meeting in Baltimore.

– Melikhan Tanyeri presented his recent work on 2–D nanoparticle trapping at the Biophysical Society meeting in Baltimore. He also presented Eric and Utsav’s recent work on live cell analysis using a single cell microbioreactor.

January 2011

– Our video publication on the hydrodynamic trap has been published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments(JoVE). Congrats to Eric and Melikhan!

December 2010

– Arnab was nominated for an HHMI Graduate Student Fellowship. Good luck to Arnab!

June 2010

– Our recent article in Applied Physics Letters has been selected for the June 14, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology

APL paper– Our publication on the hydrodynamic trap has appeared inApplied Physics Letters. Kudos to Melikhan and Eric!

May 2010

Melikhan– Melikhan won a Best Talk Award for his oral presentation at the8th Annual Biophysics and Computational Biology Symposium on campus.

April 2010

– Utsav and Kathryn successfully passed the ChBE oral qualifying exams. Congratulations!

– Amanda successfully passed the Biophysics qualifying exams. Congratulations!

– Melikhan presented a poster on the hydrodynamic trap at Bioengineering @ Illinois Day.

March 2010

– Eric has been awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations to Eric!

– Kathryn was awarded an Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations to Kathryn!

– Professor Schroeder has appeared in a recent publication on successfully managing career development by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund entitled “Moving On: Managing Career Transitions”.

– Melikhan gave a talk on our hydrodynamic trap at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Portland, OR.

February 2010

– Melikhan gave a poster presentation on our hydrodynamic trap at the Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

January 2010

– Utsav and Kathryn successfully passed their written qualifying exams. Congratulations!

– Amanda Marciel (Biophysics), Utsav Agrawal (ChBE), Folarin Latinwo (ChBE) and Kathryn Trenshaw (ChBE) joined the Schroeder group. Welcome to all new graduate students in the group!

December 2009

– Prof. Schroeder gave a poster presentation on our hydrodynamic trap at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN.

November 2009

– Prof. Schroeder gave a department seminar on polymer dynamics at the single molecule level at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

– Prof. Schroeder gave a talk on our hydrodynamic trap at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN.

August 2009

– Prof. Schroeder has appeared in an interview in Genome Technology Magazineregarding his NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) and how to get data before securing the first R01 funding.

April 2009

– Sun Ju, Chris and Arnab successfully passed their oral qualifying exams. Congratulations!

January 2009

– Sun Ju, Chris and Arnab successfully passed their written qualifying exams. Congratulations!

– Eric M. Johnson–Chavarria has joined the group as part of the Biophysics program. Welcome Eric!

– Dr. Younghoon Kim has joined the Schroeder group after finishing his Ph.D. with Prof. Dennis Discher at the University of Pennsylvania. Welcome to the group Young!

– Prof. Schroeder has appeared in the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for the Fall semester 2008 for his Polymer Science & Engineering course (ChBE 456/594).

December 2008

tomorrow PI– Prof. Schroeder has been chosen as one of Tomorrow’s PIs by Genome Technology magazine. Click here for Prof. Schroeder’s synopsis.

November 2008

– Sun Ju Kim, Christopher Brockman and Arnab Mukherjee join the Schroeder group. Welcome to the new group members!

September 2008

– Prof. Schroeder gives seminars the Center for the Physics of Living Cells and the Department of Biochemistry on campus.

August 2008

– Dr. Melikhan Tanyeri joins the group after a postdoc with Prof. Paul Selvin in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois. Welcome!

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